Tag: water (Page 2 of 2)

4 steps to summer pasture management

4 steps for summer pasture managementHaving a good summer pasture management plan in place can save you a lot of headaches later on. It will give you a chance to put out any potential fires, not literally, before they can occur.

As the days begin getting longer now is the time to get that plan figured out and put into place. Because of different variations that can occur you do not want to wait till the last minute on this one,

During this time your pastures will be the base for all of your cattle’s nutritional needs. The thing is that while it may be able to meet all of their demands now that may not be the case in a couple of months. As anyone that has been involved in ranching will tell you, the weather can change on you on a dime. What was once lush and green can turn to brown and nonperforming in a matter of a couple of weeks.

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5 tips for early summer pasture management

5 tips for early summer pasture managementWell it’s getting to be that time of year again. The days are getting longer and the temperatures are getting warmer…. yep, summer is on it’s way. Now is a good idea to have a summer pasture management plan in place.

Pastures during this time can provide essential nutrients to the cattle herd. As the grasses are growing they will provide the protein and other nutrients that your cows will need. The only problem is that as they mature their nutrition value also declines just as your cows are needing more for gestation. It is for this fact that pasture management is very important for this time of year.

Having a plan in place now can save you many headaches later on down the road. Here are 5 things that you should look at going into summer:

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How much water do I need?

How much water do I need?If you were to ask any producer about which nutrients they are concerned with chances are they would tell you protein, energy, and minerals. Now while these are important there is another that is just as important: water. Ensuring that cattle have an adequate amount of clean water is necessary for them to function.

Water is an essential part of life. A certain amount of water is needed for growth, fetal development, lactation, and overall production.

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