Tag: Livestock Health

How to actually master fly control on your ranch

How to actually master fly control on your ranchControlling flies on your cattle is one of those frustrating challenges that can make you feel like you’re in an endless battle. No matter what you try, those pesky insects keep returning year after year. It’s like they’ve got a personal vendetta against your herd, making it seem almost impossible to get them under control.

As warmer weather approaches, the situation only gets more challenging. When the flies emerge from their dormant stage, they swarm in full force, eager to feast on your cattle. This sudden onslaught can seriously disrupt your herd’s productivity, leading to stress and reduced performance. It’s a real headache for any rancher trying to keep things running smoothly.

But don’t lose hope—while you may never completely eliminate flies, you can certainly manage them with an intelligent, multi-pronged approach. Instead of relying on just one method, combining several strategies can make a big difference. This approach empowers you, the rancher, to take control of the situation. With a bit of planning and persistence, you can keep these bothersome pests at bay and protect your herd’s well-being.

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The mistakes of calf dehydration: don’t wait, act now!

The mistakes of calf dehydration: don't wait, act now!Calf dehydration is a serious problem that often sneaks up on producers. It’s easy to overlook until it becomes critical, but by then, the damage may already be done. The most common culprits are scorching summer heat and scours, both of which can strip a calf of fluids fast. The key to saving a dehydrated calf is spotting the signs early and acting quickly.

Once dehydration sets in, time becomes a critical factor. A calf’s condition can deteriorate rapidly, from mild weakness to severe compromise, in a matter of hours. Scours, a major cause, can lead to a life-threatening situation if not addressed promptly. This underscores the importance of being prepared with the right treatment and knowing when to intervene, as it can mean the difference between life and death for the calf.

Recognizing dehydration in calves is not always straightforward. It’s not just about noticing a calf looking a little droopy—there are subtle signs that can indicate trouble. Understanding these signs and knowing how to respond can play a crucial role in maintaining your calves’ health and minimizing losses. Here are five key signs that a calf might be dehydrated, empowering you to take proactive steps.

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How to really support cows during fall calving season

How to really support cows during fall calving seasonNutrition is essential year-round. Everything hinges on the cow’s nutritional needs being met, from putting on weight for the market to reentering the reproduction cycle. However, meeting these demands can be complicated.

The fall of the year can be a problem for producers. Even if you had forages growing, their overall quality declines drastically during this time of year. As the forages mature, they become more fibrous, their crude protein level decreases, and they become less palatable. If a producer has his herd calves in the fall, the problem becomes even more of an issue.

The issue with having a fall-calving herd is that the quality of forages decreases as her nutrition needs increase. The critical thing to remember is to meet the cow’s nutritional demands. It may seem impossible, but that is not the case. With some proper planning, it is possible to avoid having this become an issue. Continue reading

How to win the battle against pasture prickly pear

How to win the battle against pasture prickly pearPrickly pear, along with other cactus species, is a pressing issue in pastures. The proliferation of these cacti can impede livestock movement and pose serious health risks.

Prickly pear can rapidly overtake a pasture, choking out more desirable forages. Once established, controlling it is a labor-intensive, long-term endeavor. Complete eradication is unlikely, even with significant effort.

Because of this, they pose a very serious problem for livestock producers wherever they appear. Here are some things to consider before controlling this troublesome plant.

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Announcing the best reasons to supplement cattle this fall

Announcing the best reasons to supplement cattle this fallIt’s hard to believe that we are almost to September, which means that summer is almost over. The temperatures will be getting cooler (somewhat), and the days are getting shorter. Fall is undoubtedly a time of year when a lot of transitioning will be going on. Now is also the time to consider what supplements to provide for your cattle.

Most people are focused on weaning their calves at this time of year. They are also looking to get their cows rebred for next year’s calf crop. With all of these changes, there is also a change that is going on with your cattle’s nutritional requirements.

Because of these increases in your herd’s nutrition needs, it is essential for you to have a supplement program in place during this time of year. As you may have noticed, your forages are changing as well. With these changes, they may not provide all the nutrition you need. There are various types of supplements, such as protein, mineral, and energy supplements, each serving different nutritional needs. Here are some reasons for you to feed supplements this fall.

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How to actually maximize cattle profits with dewormer management

How to actually maximize cattle profits with dewormer managementInternal parasites are a problem that every beef producer must face. They are a constant annoyance that can rob a beef operation of its productivity. They impair production by increasing maintenance energy costs, diet digestibility, and immune activity.

Internal parasites, often underestimated, can significantly impact the profitability of beef cattle. Consider this, a beef operation with 100 cows could potentially lose over $ 10,000 annually due to reduced productivity caused by internal parasites. However, research has shown that proper deworming can increase weaning weights by over 30 pounds and pregnancy rates by over 10%. These statistics highlight the potential for increased profitability through effective parasite control, a compelling reason to take action.

Controlling them requires correct planning and proper timing. To maximize efficiency, you need to use the right dewormer at the right time of year. Here are some things to consider when planning your deworming program.

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