Tag: Livestock care (Page 2 of 2)

Surprisingly simple ways to reduce cattle feed expenses

Surprisingly simple ways to reduce cattle feed expensesWhile the necessity of feeding supplements in cattle operations is undeniable, it’s not a task that most ranchers relish. As we all know, feed costs can be a significant financial burden, often constituting the most considerable portion of annual expenses. However, by implementing strategies to reduce these costs, such as optimizing forage production and minimizing hay waste, you can save a substantial amount. This not only eases the financial strain but also significantly improves your operation’s overall profitability.

As I said before, the total amount that it can cost you depends on a few things. Such factors include the time of year and the current forage conditions. In a drought situation, feed costs can total 70% of the total yearly expenses.

Reducing feed costs without sacrificing overall production may seem challenging. However, it’s crucial to understand that some producers, known as ‘low-cost producers,’ have mastered this balance. They recognize that productivity is vital to any successful operation, and this understanding is what makes them sustainable and profitable.

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How to achieve perfect hay bales every time

How to achieve perfect hay bales every timeLooking out onto a field of perfectly rolled hay bales is not just a beautiful sight; it’s a testament to your hard work and expertise. The feeling of pride and accomplishment that comes from baling them yourself is truly unmatched.

When it comes to making the perfect hay bale, there are many steps to take care of. For instance, the maturity of the forages, such as alfalfa or timothy grass, is crucial. Alfalfa is typically baled when it reaches the early bloom stage, while timothy grass is best baled when it’s in the late boot stage. Other factors like being at the proper moisture content and the settings on the machines you will be using all play a part in how your hay bales will turn out.

But how can you combine all the factors to produce your desired result? Well, today, I will go over the four main steps you can use to make the perfect hay bale.

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