Gut health: the key to really successful cattle operationsGut health, often overlooked but crucial, is a vital component of a successful operation. While most people have a basic understanding of its role in nutrient absorption, there’s much more to it. As producers, fully grasping the concept and the factors that influence it can empower us to make informed decisions for our cattle’s well-being.

As producers, we are not just caretakers but pivotal guardians of gut health. Our actions and decisions directly influence the well-being of our cattle. Understanding the three main factors that affect gut health-infection, management, and environmental factors- empowers us to take proactive measures to ensure the health of our herd.

Once thought of as just part of the digestive system, research has begun to show the importance of the gut, or the gastrointestinal tract, for the overall well-being of the cow. The gastrointestinal tract is one of a ruminant’s most metabolically active tissues. According to a study in Animals, it accounts for approximately 20% of oxygen consumption and 30% of metabolic processes and protein synthesis. Keeping it in top shape is essential with all the functions the gut does.

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