Tag: grazing (Page 3 of 3)

4 ways to reduce fertilizer costs that will actually make your life better

4 ways to reduce fertilizer costs that will actually make your life easierFertilizer costs have increased a lot over the last few decades, even more over the last year. An example of this is that nitrogen fertilizer has doubled in just the last 2 years. With the way things are going it is not looking it will change for the better any time soon.

The most expensive input in warm-season forage production is commercial fertilizer. Since this is a costly resource, we need to make use of it efficiently. This will ensure that the return on the investment can be optimized for the most profits.

I will tell you that when it comes to being efficient that does not mean being the “cheapest”. Going with the lowest cost in the long run can actually end up costing the most. Here are 4 ways that you can look to optimize what fertilizer that you put out while reducing forage production costs.

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Reduce feed costs in 5 steps

reduce feed costs in 5 stepsFeed costs remain the single largest expense for any cattle producer. This expense can easily be half of the total annual expenses for a rancher.

Now that amount can vary depending on the time of year and depending on the forage conditions. In a drought situation feed costs can total 70% of the total yearly costs of raising cattle.

It may seem difficult to reduce feed costs without sacrificing production. There are some that would have no problem with that but the profitable producer knows that productivity is the key to a successful operation. But all is not lost, there are 5 steps that you can reduce feed costs without sacrificing productivity.

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Grazing Systems: What Types are There?

grazing systems: what types are there?A grazing system, when done correctly, can assist rangeland managers in achieving management objectives. They can both boost production as well as reduce their overhead costs.

Selection of the proper type of system depends on understanding the unique combination of different aspects that go into range management. Things like the topography, soil type, the particular animal involved have to be balanced in order to get the best results.

Whether intended or not if you have animals grazing in a pasture then you already have a grazing system in place. If you are getting the most out of your pasture however is an entirely different story.

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Estimating your grazeable acreage

Estimating your grazeable acreageDo you know what your stocking rate is? Let me rephrase that: Do you know what your real stocking rate is? Many people follow just a general rule of thumb that was developed years ago. The truth is that cattle will not always graze on every acre that is available. You could have the scenario where certain areas are being overgrazed while others are not being used at all. This is where determining your grazeable acreage will help.

Things like the brush density, rock coverage, accessibility and other factors will have an impact on how many acres that the herd will use. Determining these factors will give you a more accurate measure of what your stocking rate is. There are many ways that you can look at these but the best way will always be walking the property and looking at them from ground level.

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