Ways to reclaim calf growth with creep grazingEvery cow/calf producer aspires for calves to gain weight efficiently. Some producers have discovered that a creep system, particularly creep grazing, is a promising way to achieve this goal. Creep grazing, in particular, has the potential to significantly increase calf weight gain, offering a ray of hope for producers. It’s important to note that both methods, creep grazing and creep feeding a concentrate supplement, have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Hence, it’s crucial for the producer to research and choose the method that best suits their needs.

Creep grazing is generally a more cost-effective option than creep-feeding grain. It requires less labor, making it a convenient and financially savvy choice for cow/calf producers. This cost-effectiveness can make producers feel resourceful and smart in their management decisions. However, it’s important to note that while creep-feeding has been extensively studied, creep grazing is a relatively less explored area. Understanding it may require more effort on the producer’s part, but the potential cost savings make it a worthwhile investment.

Creep-grazing pastures can add pounds to a calf’s weaning weight, just like creep-feeding. However, more than just adding weight to calves is needed to make them profitable. To understand this, the producer must look at things like feed costs and the market to see if they will be profitable. Here are some things to consider when making this decision.

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