Tag: Drought Management

How to actually safeguard your herd from nitrate toxicity

How to actually safeguard your herd from nitrate toxicityDespite the time and equipment costs, growing your own feed can be a powerful strategy. It allows you to maintain an inventory, reducing the risk of short supplies and protecting you from seasonal price fluctuations. Moreover, it empowers you to tailor energy and protein production to match your herd’s feed requirements, giving you a strong sense of control and confidence in your operations.

However, despite all of this, there is still the risk of the weather turning against you. Weather events in the weeks, days, and even hours leading up to the harvest can ruin your best efforts. They can transform a carefully raised feed source into a nutritional time bomb. If you are not careful, they can reduce your production and endanger your animals’ lives.

Times of extreme stress, like during a drought, can cause a build-up of nitrates. While consuming some of them is not bad for your animals, if they eat too much, it can become deadly. Here are some things to look for to prevent this from happening.

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How to really manage a ranch during drought

How to really manage a ranch during droughtDrought can be devastating. Forages stop producing, making it difficult for ranchers to make food. Drought can make things seem bleak.

With all this difficulty, it can be easy to fall into a ‘survival’ mode during this time. This mode often involves taking extreme measures such as selling off a large portion of your herd or drastically reducing feed, just hoping that things will turn better. This ‘survival‘ mode is a state of mind where the immediate crisis takes precedence over long-term planning, and the focus is on short-term survival. However, these measures can lead to long-term adverse effects on your operation. But what if I told you there was a different option?

While you may be unable to stop drought from happening, all is not lost. The one thing to remember is that eventually, the rains will come back, so you will need to look ahead. There are things that you can do during this time to ensure that your pasture will bounce back once the rain does return; here are some things that you can do in the meantime:

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Destocking: this is how to actually survive during droughts

Destocking: this is how to actually survive during droughtsDestocking is a prevalent practice during a drought. It is rarely easy and will still cost you most of the time. However, drought is a common consequence of ranching, so it will still need to be done. It is important to include plans for when droughts occur so producers are always prepared.

The object of making this decision is to preserve any potential forage growth when the rains come back. It requires maximizing the options available to you by keeping an eye on current and future forage supplies and animal demand. Making these choices early enough will be less severe than waiting too long.

Effective destocking requires a proactive approach. It’s crucial to align your overall goal with your guidelines. Now is the time to take a pragmatic look at your herd. Letting your personal views influence your decisions can end up costing you in the end. Here are some key considerations when looking at destocking:

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