Tag: cydectin

How to use dewormers that will control internal parasites

How to use dewormers that will control internal parasitesInternal parasites are a problem that every beef producer must face. It is a constant annoyance that can rob a beef operation of its productivity. They impair production by increasing things like energy costs of maintenance, diet digestibility, and immune activity.

They actually have a more significant impact on the profitability of beef cattle than most even realize. Research has shown that weaning weights can be increased by over 30 pounds and pregnancy rates by over 10% with proper deworming. With statistics like this, it would make sense to keep them under check.

Controlling them requires correct planning as well as proper timing. In order to get the most efficiency, you need to use the right dewormer at the right time of the year. Here are some things to look at when planning for your deworming program.

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Controlling internal parasites for fun and profit

controlling internal parasites for fun and profitInternal parasites are a problem that every beef producer must face. It is a constant annoyance that can rob a beef operation of its productivity. They impair production by increasing things like energy costs of maintenance, diet digestibility, and immune activity.

They actually have a bigger impact on the profitability of beef cattle than most even realize. Research has shown that weaning weights can be increased by over 30 pounds and pregnancy rates by over 10% with proper deworming. With statistics like this, it would make sense to keep them under check.

Controlling them requires correct planning as well as correct timing. In order to get the most efficiency you need to use the right dewormer at the right time of the year. Here are some things to look at when planning for your deworming program.

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