Tag: cattle health (Page 2 of 2)

Simplistic water management tips you need for healthy cattle

Simplistic water management tips you need for healthy cattleWater, a fundamental element of life, plays a pivotal role in the daily existence of cattle. It is indispensable for growth, fetal development, lactation, and overall production. Despite its significance, water can often be overlooked by producers.

As a producer, your role in safeguarding the well-being of your cattle is not just important, it’s crucial. While protein, energy, and minerals may take the spotlight, it’s essential to recognize that water is equally vital. Your duty to provide sufficient, clean water is not merely a task, but a pivotal part of your cattle’s health and productivity.

Providing your herd with the right amount of water is not a simple task. It requires careful planning and a basic understanding of your cattle’s needs and habits. Your role in this process is crucial; it’s rewarding. Getting it right will ensure you maximize the benefits of this essential resource, leading to healthier and more productive cattle.

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Actually surprising successful weaning strategies for ranchers

Actually surprising successful weaning strategies for ranchersAs a rancher, your role in the weaning process is not just crucial, it’s the linchpin of success. This is the time of year when you start to see the tangible results of your hard work, such as your breeding programs. The success of the weaning process, however, is still a question that lingers, and it’s in your hands to answer it.

What does success or failure mean when it comes to weaning? It’s a question that can only be answered by you, the rancher because success is defined by your individual production goals. This empowers you to determine what a successful weaning looks like in your operation.

There may be different ideas on how to wean your calves, but the goal is still the same. You want to wean every calf you have with the minimum loss to your crop. Getting your calves started on the right foot would be best to accomplish this.

Starting your calves off right is one of the most important things that you can do. Doing so will ensure the success of the calf’s lifelong production. The first 30-45 days after weaning are the most stressful in that calf’s life. In order to make their transition as smooth as possible, you will need to avoid three common problems: nutritional deficiencies, health issues, and social stress.

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How to combat pinkeye: best tips for cattle producers

How to combat pinkeye: best tips for cattle producersWith summer arriving, treating pinkeye is an issue many cattle producers will face. As conditions get drier, dust levels rise, increasing eye irritants that can lead to this painful infection. Pinkeye doesn’t just affect the health of your cattle; it has a significant economic impact as well. Each year, pinkeye costs the cattle industry approximately $150 million due to decreased weight gain, reduced milk production, and the expenses associated with treatment.

However, there are proactive steps you can take when this bacteria makes its appearance on your ranch. Treating pinkeye infections early in your cattle is not just a matter of their health but also a crucial step to protect your investment. Delaying treatment increases the risk of permanent eye damage, leading to severe discounts at sale time and significantly impacting your revenue. The visible signs of pinkeye can diminish the perceived value of your cattle, emphasizing the importance of swift action.

Given that early treatment is vital, prevention is the optimal strategy. Pinkeye is highly contagious, and once it infiltrates your herd, it can rapidly spread. In the following post, we will delve into the causes of pinkeye, effective treatment options, and the best prevention strategies to keep your herd healthy and your operation profitable. Stay tuned to ensure you are equipped with the knowledge to combat this costly disease.

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