Tag: cattle farming

Optimize weaning: easily keep your calves healthy and happy

Optimize weaning: easily keep your calves healthy and happyThe weaning process, a pivotal period in the cattle business, is upon us once again. As any seasoned rancher will attest, it can be both magical and challenging. Weaning, a shared experience that can be stressful for both the cattle and the rancher, is a crucial step in the journey of cattle rearing.

Stress in cattle is a complex issue that can significantly impact their health and performance. It can be displayed by various signs, including increased vocalization, reduced feed intake, and abnormal behavior such as pacing. The issue with stress is that it can lower the immune system’s ability to fight off diseases, making the calves more susceptible to health issues. It may not seem like much, but it can reduce daily gains, increase health problems, and even cause death. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand and manage stress effectively during the weaning process.

Regardless of your weaning strategy, your role as a rancher in maintaining your calves’ performance is pivotal. Taking proactive steps to reduce stress can significantly decrease the chance of illness. Preparing calves before separating them from their mothers can yield benefits that are well worth the effort. Here are three actionable steps you, as a rancher, can take to help your calf crop wean successfully.

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How to combat pinkeye: best tips for cattle producers

How to combat pinkeye: best tips for cattle producersWith summer arriving, treating pinkeye is an issue many cattle producers will face. As conditions get drier, dust levels rise, increasing eye irritants that can lead to this painful infection. Pinkeye doesn’t just affect the health of your cattle; it has a significant economic impact as well. Each year, pinkeye costs the cattle industry approximately $150 million due to decreased weight gain, reduced milk production, and the expenses associated with treatment.

However, there are proactive steps you can take when this bacteria makes its appearance on your ranch. Treating pinkeye infections early in your cattle is not just a matter of their health but also a crucial step to protect your investment. Delaying treatment increases the risk of permanent eye damage, leading to severe discounts at sale time and significantly impacting your revenue. The visible signs of pinkeye can diminish the perceived value of your cattle, emphasizing the importance of swift action.

Given that early treatment is vital, prevention is the optimal strategy. Pinkeye is highly contagious, and once it infiltrates your herd, it can rapidly spread. In the following post, we will delve into the causes of pinkeye, effective treatment options, and the best prevention strategies to keep your herd healthy and your operation profitable. Stay tuned to ensure you are equipped with the knowledge to combat this costly disease.

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