Category: nutrition (Page 12 of 12)

What you don’t know about your mineral can hurt

cattle minerals need

Mineral deficiencies among pasture forages is a widespread problem across the whole country. Beef cattle require a number of dietary minerals for body maintenance, growth and reproduction.

A national study done by Utah’s State Diagnostic Lab has found that 53% to 70% of cattle were short on important dietary minerals.

They also found that there was a need to supplement in every state. So how do you know if you need to supplement, here are some things to consider:

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Make the most of your mineral

Cattle mineral needsThough minerals take up a small portion of a cow’s overall diet they control many vital functions and can impact everything. A complete mineral should contain the proper balance of all 14 essential cattle minerals.

Cattle reproduction and nervous system function as well as feed efficiency and overall herd health can be impacted.

When developing a solid mineral plan there are 3 factors to consider.

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I decided to supplement, NOW WHAT?!


Let’s say there was a way that you could make money come out of the ground, would you be interested? Of course you would be interested.

And what if it could reduce or even eliminate your cattle’s down time, would that be something you would be interested in? Well using the right kind of supplement program will do both for you.

Using the right kind of supplement program could do that and so much more. The right kind of supplement program will correctly fill in the nutrition gaps from your forages which will lead to healthier cattle.

But how do you know if the supplement program you are using is the right one for your operation? To determine what program is right for you there are some things to consider.

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