Category: nutrition (Page 10 of 12)

Why do cows need salt?

why do cows need salt?Salt, along with other minerals, are necessary to sustain life in cows. Much like humans they are the essential building blocks for a living being to perform at best.

The interesting thing about salt is that cattle have a natural “urge” for it. This means that unlike the other minerals they will actually seek it out. If they can not find it then they will try to ingest it from other sources, such as tree bark, dirt, and even urine.

As I mentioned earlier salt is very important for the overall function of a cow. Along with aiding with milk production it will assist with other functions. These functions are things like reproduction, blood flow and even sweating, which I think that one should be obvious.

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Creep Feeding: Is it worth it?

creep feeding: is it worth it?Creep feeding can be a very useful tool for producers with young calves. This will improve both your bottom line and your overall profitability.

It can help add a few more pounds on your calves which can translate into more dollars for you come sale time. Also it has been shown to make weaning a little bit less stressful for them.

But like with everything there are pros and cons to using it. It is up to each producer individually to decide if it is something that will work for them or not. Here are some things for you to consider:

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The Calving Nutrition Article of Your Dreams

the calving nutrition article of your dreamsNutrition management of your cow herd is very important during late pregnancy and early lactation. What happens during this time can not only affect your current calf crop but your future one as well. Having the cow’s nutrition needs met can reduce dystocia for the cow and improve the overall performance of the calf.

During this time you can have problems from 2 different directions. First off her nutritional requirements spike as compared to other times of the year. Second, the overall quality of your forage is lower because we have not got to the “spring green up” yet.

It is very critical that you get the nutrition right during this time because if she is lacking it will affect not only the health of the calf but the probability of her getting bred come breeding season.

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Properly managing cattle supplements

Properly managing cattle supplementsProducers tend to have a love/hate relationship when it comes to supplements. On the one hand they love how it improves the performance of their cattle but on the other they hate that it adds to their expenses. It is for this reason that producers tend to not feed supplements unless they absolutely have to.

In order to get the most cost effective use out of feeding cattle producers should look at supplements more as an investment rather than just another expense. If used properly supplements can add increased value to both performance and their return at sale.

As we are all aware just forages alone will not provide all the necessary nutrients that your cattle need. Supplement feeding is necessary to complement what your forages provide. Though your grass may be green now the quality of it will decline as they mature later on in the year.

So how do you get the most effective use of supplements?

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Balancing a mineral program

Balancing a mineral programThough just one part, minerals are important to your cattle. The proper balance of protein, energy, and minerals is needed for your livestock to perform at their best. Putting out a lot of mineral will not do you any good if the other areas are lacking. Selecting the right mineral program is essential for the production of your cattle.

Finding the right balance is a combination of art and science. It takes knowing what your pasture is providing as well as what your animals’ needs are. It also requires some trial and error to find out what will work and what will not. Here are 4 things to consider when planning out your mineral program.

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4 steps to balance a cattle ration

4 steps to balance a cattle rationIn order to produce beef efficiently cattle producers know it is important what you feed your cows. A nutritionally balanced diet will allow the cattle to perform at their best. Sometimes forages alone are not gonna meet the demands of your herd, sometimes you will need to feed a supplement.

Cattle feed accounts for 60%- 80% of a producers total production cost. With this high of a percentage it is vital that a rancher should calculate the most cost-effective ration that they can. There are 4 steps that you can follow to ensure that you are getting the best feed for the best price.

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Keep an eye out for grass tetany

Keep an eye out for grass tetanyAs with most of the country we had a fairly wet winter here in Texas. The grass has begun to grow better than it has for a few years. It may be tempting to turn the cows out on what looks like a lush green field. Though that may not be the smart thing to do. With a rapidly growing forage the chance of grass tetany is also very high.

There are some things that you will need to take into consideration before you let the cows out to graze to prevent any health problems from occurring:

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How much water do I need?

How much water do I need?If you were to ask any producer about which nutrients they are concerned with chances are they would tell you protein, energy, and minerals. Now while these are important there is another that is just as important: water. Ensuring that cattle have an adequate amount of clean water is necessary for them to function.

Water is an essential part of life. A certain amount of water is needed for growth, fetal development, lactation, and overall production.

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Designing the “perfect” mineral program

Developing the "perfect" mineral programImagine an ideal scenario: just one type of mineral would solve all of your problems. You could just put it out, forget it and your cows would be at the peak of health.

Despite how good that would make you feel I hate to be the bearer of bad news put that type of scenario just doesn’t exist here in the real world. Here there is no such thing as a “perfect” mineral program.

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