Category: Management (Page 4 of 11)

How to choose a stunning fence the right way

How to choose a stunning fence the right wayThere is one constant in the livestock industry: If you have animals, you will have to build a fence. Fencing is a barrier to keeping your animals where you want them and keeping predators out.

It has been said that good fences make good neighbors, and that is undoubtedly true. As a responsible animal caretaker, it is your responsibility to keep them out of your neighbor’s place as well as get out on the road and cause an accident.

When it comes to fencing, there are many options, and that can be confusing to someone who doesn’t have much experience with it. Now, which is the best to go with? Well, that is up to the individual, but here are some things for you to consider the next time you are shopping for a new fence.

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5 simple ways to get feed costs under control

5 simple ways to get feed costs under controlFeed costs remain the single most significant expense for any cattle producer. Depending on different factors, this expense can easily be half of the total annual expenses for a rancher.

Now, that amount can vary depending on the time of year and forage conditions. In a drought situation, feed costs can total 70% of the total yearly costs of raising cattle. It may seem challenging to reduce feed costs without sacrificing production.

Some would have no problem with that, but the profitable producer knows that productivity is the key to a successful operation. But all is not lost. There are five steps to reduce feed costs without sacrificing productivity.

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Surprisingly simple ways to control flies on cattle

Surprisingly simple ways to control flies on cattleTrying to control flies on your cattle can be a very frustrating endeavor, to say the least. It can often feel like an uphill climb with no rest in sight. No matter what you seem to do, they keep coming back year after year.

As we move into the warmer time of the year, these pests will be coming out in full force. They will be coming out of their dormant stage to feast on your cattle. This feasting will negatively affect your herd’s production. But what is a rancher to do?!

Though you will never fully get rid of them, there are ways to bring them under control. To be the most effective, it will require a multi-prong approach. It will need all of them because just using one will not get the results that you are looking for.

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5 simple tips on actually managing your bulls

5 simple tips on actually managing your bullsBreeding season is a crucial time on the ranch. We begin with the hope of making a new calf crop to keep the ranch going. In order to have a good calf crop, you will need to ensure that all, or at least 90%, of your cows will be bred.

While many focus on getting their cows ready for this time of year, bringing the bulls you have ready is also a good idea. After all, 50% of your potential calves’ genetics comes from just one animal, the bull.

With the critical role they will play, you may be wondering how you can go about making sure that he will be ready to service the cows. Well, here are five tips that you can follow to do just that.

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How to improve selecting replacement heifers the right way

How to improve selecting replacement heifers the right wayHaving suitable replacement heifers is vital for the long-term profitability of any ranch. It is necessary to be able to rotate the breeding stock out to improve the overall genetic gene pool. Also, cows will get to a point where they will be too old to breed anymore. When this happens, you must have new stock ready to take their place.

When it comes to having replacement heifers, there are two ways you can go: buy or raise them. Most producers tend to grow their own, but buying them can also be an option. When it comes to deciding which to go with, like with any choice, it is crucial to weigh the pros and cons to determine which is best for your situation.

Selecting the most economical source for your replacement heifers is vital to you. There is no point in going with an option that will only cost you more money in the long run. One of the first things you must do is look at your current facilities. Here are some things that you can look at when deciding on either to buy or raise:

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How to correctly know when to assist with calving

How to correctly know when to assist with calvingKnowing when to assist with calving can be a very tricky matter. It requires a delicate balance between not acting too quickly and not reacting too late. Finding this balance requires a lot of experience and a little bit of luck.

If you help too early, there is a chance that you will not need to help at all. Also, you run the risk of injuring the cow as well as the calf. Not to mention, it can impair the bonding process between mom and baby.

Waiting too long can have dire results as well. There is a particular possibility that you will lose both the calf and its momma at the same time, not to mention the expensive veterinary bill if it gets to the point of needing surgery to get the calf out.

So, to help you find the right balance between when to take action or not, I have provided some information to get you on the path to success.

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5 simple ways cattle producers can improve in 2024

5 simple ways cattle producers can improve in 2024A new year is approaching for the cattle industry. Though we have had our issues this past year, like the current market, new opportunities are bound to return. It may not look like it, but there are always positives to be found if you know how to look, even in our yoyo industry.

One section of our industry that can be affected harshly is small cattle producers. They do not have the size to absorb any costs that come up. Also, due to their size, they have little bargaining power when it comes to sales. This lack of control means they often have to take what they can get. They rarely have the resources needed to invest in any improvements in their place.

Being a small producer has its challenges when it comes to managing their herds. Like all producers, they must try to maximize their output without breaking the bank. It may seem that is not possible, but there are things that you can do today that will make a significant impact. Here are five things that you can do today to improve your operation going into the new year.

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5 simple ways to remarkably reduce winter feed costs

5 simple ways to remarkably reduce winter feed costsAs sure as the turning of the world being in winter means having to buy feed. The reason for that is that during this time, forages go dormant and provide less for animals. Though they do not like it, producers must buy supplements to feed their animals during this time.

The problem that happens during this time, though, is that most producers tend to spend less money when buying feed. They buy what they usually have without considering whether it is really what they need at this time or not. The other side of that coin is that some producers need to provide more, being content on going with the least cost. Unfortunately, neither option is the best.

When it comes to providing supplements, the goal is to be the most efficient. You want to ensure that the animal’s nutritional needs are being met without breaking the bank. Skimping on nutrition can affect production as well as profitability. But also you only want to spend what you can get back. Here are five suggestions for reducing your overall feed costs without sacrificing production.

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4 simple ways to avoid extra costs with hay

4 simple ways to avoid extra costs with hayWinter is finally here, though here in Texas, it doesn’t feel like it too much. But with this time of year, producers will put hay out to feed their animals. Depending on how you get it, hay is typically one of the cheaper options when it comes to supplements.

An issue we currently face across most of the country is that the amount of hay available this winter will be low due to the dry conditions. The Texas AgriLife extension service says that the hay crop this year will be bleak due to the extremely dry conditions and the high costs of inputs like fertilizer. Though you may have to stretch your inventory, hay is still a better option, all things considered.

Under normal conditions, hay that is bought is brought in and fed without issue. Using hay is a normal cycle that many produce know well. It would be best if you also kept an eye on things. The “sticker price” of the hay is generally the 1st thing people look at when buying hay, but there are other costs to consider. Here are four potentially added costs that you need to keep in mind.

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4 ways on how to pick a reputable breeder

4 ways on how to pick a reputable breederA breeder is an essential part of the future of the cattle industry. The products they make, i.e., calves, can determine the genetic potential of a beef herd. This genetic potential is why it is vital to do business with a reputable one.

The cattle that will be entering your herd, whether that is the replacements you raise or the ones that you buy, will steer what direction your herd goes in the future. It is during times like these that a producer must make their decisions based on sound business judgment. These are not the time to let emotions get the better of you.

When it comes to cattle buying, there are plenty of sellers. All you have to do is take a quick look around social media to find that out. There are many sellers. But that does not mean that all of them are the right ones to go with. It will be up to you to wade through all of the noise. The key is to find the one that will be right for you. Here are four things that you can follow to make the right choice.

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