Category: Management (Page 3 of 11)

Destocking: this is how to actually survive during droughts

Destocking: this is how to actually survive during droughtsDestocking is a prevalent practice during a drought. It is rarely easy and will still cost you most of the time. However, drought is a common consequence of ranching, so it will still need to be done. It is important to include plans for when droughts occur so producers are always prepared.

The object of making this decision is to preserve any potential forage growth when the rains come back. It requires maximizing the options available to you by keeping an eye on current and future forage supplies and animal demand. Making these choices early enough will be less severe than waiting too long.

Effective destocking requires a proactive approach. It’s crucial to align your overall goal with your guidelines. Now is the time to take a pragmatic look at your herd. Letting your personal views influence your decisions can end up costing you in the end. Here are some key considerations when looking at destocking:

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Official early weaning tips for better livestock management

Official early weaning tips for better livestock managementHaving calves weaned early is often something that occurs during periods of low forage quality. Early weaning typically happens during extremely dry periods, such as what typically happens in many Western states. But what exactly does it mean to wean early?

Early weaning is usually defined as weaning calves before they are 150 days old. In some extreme cases, they can be weaned even earlier, at 45 days. Weaning that early rarely happens, so more commonly, early-weaned calves are over 80 days old.

Early weaning is a valuable tool that can bring significant benefits to livestock producers, particularly during drought or when cows are in a confinement system. It serves as a body condition management tool for old and young cows, offering a ray of hope in challenging times.

It is a valuable tool because once you take the calf off of the cow, her nutritional demands go down. Once she no longer has the demands of lactation, a producer can maintain her on poor-quality forages with little to no supplement needed.

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Optimize weaning: easily keep your calves healthy and happy

Optimize weaning: easily keep your calves healthy and happyThe weaning process, a pivotal period in the cattle business, is upon us once again. As any seasoned rancher will attest, it can be both magical and challenging. Weaning, a shared experience that can be stressful for both the cattle and the rancher, is a crucial step in the journey of cattle rearing.

Stress in cattle is a complex issue that can significantly impact their health and performance. It can be displayed by various signs, including increased vocalization, reduced feed intake, and abnormal behavior such as pacing. The issue with stress is that it can lower the immune system’s ability to fight off diseases, making the calves more susceptible to health issues. It may not seem like much, but it can reduce daily gains, increase health problems, and even cause death. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand and manage stress effectively during the weaning process.

Regardless of your weaning strategy, your role as a rancher in maintaining your calves’ performance is pivotal. Taking proactive steps to reduce stress can significantly decrease the chance of illness. Preparing calves before separating them from their mothers can yield benefits that are well worth the effort. Here are three actionable steps you, as a rancher, can take to help your calf crop wean successfully.

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How to drought-proof your farm with 4 surprisingly simple steps

How to drought-proof your farm with 4 surprisingly simple stepsThe threat of drought in any year is a real problem for most of the country. Many of us have sometimes seen severely less than average rainfall, which can strain our businesses. The most frustrating thing about it is that drought is one of the few things we, humans, have no control over.

And if things could not seem worse, we can also see higher-than-average prices for the inputs we need, such as fuel, fertilizer, and grain. Drought and high feed prices can result in higher cow/calf costs nationwide. This scenario is a real problem because agriculture is one of the few industries with a very thin profit margin.

Despite the current challenges, it’s crucial to recognize your resilience as an agricultural producer. You’ve successfully weathered storms before, and you can do it again. While you can’t always control what is happening, there are ways that you can make it more tolerable for you. Here are four strategies that can help you navigate these challenging times:

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Simplistic water management tips you need for healthy cattle

Simplistic water management tips you need for healthy cattleWater, a fundamental element of life, plays a pivotal role in the daily existence of cattle. It is indispensable for growth, fetal development, lactation, and overall production. Despite its significance, water can often be overlooked by producers.

As a producer, your role in safeguarding the well-being of your cattle is not just important, it’s crucial. While protein, energy, and minerals may take the spotlight, it’s essential to recognize that water is equally vital. Your duty to provide sufficient, clean water is not merely a task, but a pivotal part of your cattle’s health and productivity.

Providing your herd with the right amount of water is not a simple task. It requires careful planning and a basic understanding of your cattle’s needs and habits. Your role in this process is crucial; it’s rewarding. Getting it right will ensure you maximize the benefits of this essential resource, leading to healthier and more productive cattle.

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Actually surprising successful weaning strategies for ranchers

Actually surprising successful weaning strategies for ranchersAs a rancher, your role in the weaning process is not just crucial, it’s the linchpin of success. This is the time of year when you start to see the tangible results of your hard work, such as your breeding programs. The success of the weaning process, however, is still a question that lingers, and it’s in your hands to answer it.

What does success or failure mean when it comes to weaning? It’s a question that can only be answered by you, the rancher because success is defined by your individual production goals. This empowers you to determine what a successful weaning looks like in your operation.

There may be different ideas on how to wean your calves, but the goal is still the same. You want to wean every calf you have with the minimum loss to your crop. Getting your calves started on the right foot would be best to accomplish this.

Starting your calves off right is one of the most important things that you can do. Doing so will ensure the success of the calf’s lifelong production. The first 30-45 days after weaning are the most stressful in that calf’s life. In order to make their transition as smooth as possible, you will need to avoid three common problems: nutritional deficiencies, health issues, and social stress.

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Surprisingly simple ways to reduce cattle feed expenses

Surprisingly simple ways to reduce cattle feed expensesWhile the necessity of feeding supplements in cattle operations is undeniable, it’s not a task that most ranchers relish. As we all know, feed costs can be a significant financial burden, often constituting the most considerable portion of annual expenses. However, by implementing strategies to reduce these costs, such as optimizing forage production and minimizing hay waste, you can save a substantial amount. This not only eases the financial strain but also significantly improves your operation’s overall profitability.

As I said before, the total amount that it can cost you depends on a few things. Such factors include the time of year and the current forage conditions. In a drought situation, feed costs can total 70% of the total yearly expenses.

Reducing feed costs without sacrificing overall production may seem challenging. However, it’s crucial to understand that some producers, known as ‘low-cost producers,’ have mastered this balance. They recognize that productivity is vital to any successful operation, and this understanding is what makes them sustainable and profitable.

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Hay bale mastery: how to actually preserve premium feed

Hay bale mastery: how to actually preserve premium feedHay bale storage, a vital aspect of cattle production, takes center stage, particularly in winter when natural forages are scarce. The staggering 4.6 million acres of hay harvested in Texas in 2023 underscore the pivotal role of hay production in sustaining livestock operations. However, when drought conditions worsen, the challenge of acquiring sufficient hay bales intensifies, making it crucial for producers to optimize their hay storage practices. This ensures the longevity and nutritional value of their hay supply, a key factor in maintaining a reliable source of supplemental nutrition for their livestock.

As a cattle producer, your role in hay bale storage is pivotal. It’s not just about creating the perfect hay bale but also about how you store it. This can significantly impact its quality and longevity, ensuring it remains a valuable resource through the winter months. The good news is that proper hay storage is not a complex task; it’s about implementing five simple yet effective rules to keep your bales dry and protected from the elements.

In this blog post, we will delve into the essential strategies for proper hay bale storage, offering practical insights and expert tips. By following these straightforward guidelines, you’ll gain the knowledge and confidence needed to safeguard your hay investment and ensure a reliable source of supplemental nutrition for your livestock when they need it most. We will start by discussing the importance of packing your bales tightly, then move on to the benefits of storing them indoors, and finally, we’ll cover the significance of keeping your bales off the ground and in the right location. Remember, proper hay storage is not a complex task; it’s about implementing five simple yet effective rules.

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Simplistic ways to improve your pasture you need to know

Simplistic ways to improve your pasture you need to knowMaintaining your pasture during the summer is a crucial task that requires your diligent attention. In a matter of minutes, it can transition from adequate moisture to extremely dry. As a manager, your role is pivotal in preventing your pasture from suffering too much.

Though I don’t know how it is where you are in West Texas, keeping pastures productive can be challenging during this time. Mother Nature seems to have not wanted to cooperate with you for most years and has held back the needed moisture.

While you can not control the weather, you can take steps to give your forages a fighting chance. Practices like rotational grazing and maintaining the correct stocking rate can significantly improve your pasture’s health. Here are some strategies to consider when facing another dry summer and hoping for a more productive season.

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How to have the most productive breeding season

How to have the most productive breeding seasonBreeding season preparations are crucial for any cow/calf producer’s bottom line. Their steps will determine if they will have a good calf crop. Good quality calves to sell are the defining factor between a successful and a not successful rancher.

As a cow/calf producer, you hold the key to a successful breeding season. Your management decisions before and during the calving season are crucial. The steps you take now will determine whether you start the season on the right footing or find yourself playing catch-up. Remember, your actions directly impact the health and productivity of your herd.

For a cow to produce a calf every year, she must be rebred 80 days after she has calved. This 80-day timeline is crucial because it takes into account the cow’s reproductive cycle. The 80 days may not seem like a short time, but you must remember that she will not be going into estrus for at least 30 days after that calf is born, so your window is a little shorter.

So, what can you do to prepare for an outstanding breeding season? Well, here are three things that you can look at to improve your chances of having a large calf crop.

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