Category: Management (Page 11 of 11)

5 ways to reduce feed costs that will actually make your life better

5 ways to reduce feed costs that will actually make your life betterFeed costs remain the single largest expense for any cattle producer. This expense can easily be half of the total annual expenses for a rancher.

Now that amount can vary depending on the time of year and depending on the forage conditions. In a drought situation feed costs can total 70% of the total yearly costs of raising cattle.

It may seem difficult to reduce feed costs without sacrificing production. There are some that would have no problem with that but the profitable producer knows that productivity is the key to a successful operation. But all is not lost, there are 5 steps that you can reduce feed costs without sacrificing productivity.

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Understand cattle fly control before you regret it

understand cattle fly control before you regret itTrying to control flies that are on your cattle can be a very frustrating endeavor, to say the least. It can often feel like an uphill climb with no rest in sight. No matter what you seem to do they just keep coming back year after year.

As we move into the warmer time of the year these pests will be coming out in full force. They will be coming out of their dormant stage to feast on your cattle negatively affecting your herd’s production. But what is a rancher to do?!

Though you will never fully get rid of them there is a way to get them under control. In order to be the most effective, it will require a multi-prong approach. It will require all of them because just using one will not get the results that you are looking for.

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5 tips to prepare bulls for breeding season

5 tips to prepare bulls for breeding seasonBreeding season is a very important time on the ranch. We begin with the hope of making the new calf crop to keep the ranch going. In order to have a good calf crop, you will need to make sure that all, or at least 90%, of your cows will be bred.

While many focus on getting their cows ready for this time of year it is also a good idea to get the bulls that you have ready too. After all. 50% of the genetics that each of your potential calves will have comes from just one animal, the bull.

With the important role they will play you may be wondering just how you can go about making sure that he will be ready to service the cows. Well here are 5 tips that you can follow to do just that.

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5 Tips to Prepare Bulls for Breeding Season

5 tips to prepare bulls for breeding seasonBreeding season is a very important time on the ranch. In order to have a good calf crop you will need to make sure that all of your cows will be bred.

While many focus on getting their cows ready for this time of year it is also a good idea to get the bulls that you will be using ready too. After all 50% of the genetics that each of your potential calves will have comes from just that one animal, the bull.

With the important role they will play you may be wonder just how you can go about making sure that he will be ready to service the cows. Well, here are 5 tips that you can follow that will do just that.

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