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Some simple ways to reducing your feed costs

Some simple ways to reducing your feed costsHaving to feed supplements is sometimes necessary for cattle operations. That being said, it is something other than what most ranchers like to do. Feed costs remain the single most considerable expense for any cattle producer. The amount really depends on different things, but it can easily be half of the total annual expenses.

As I said before, the total amount that it can cost you depends on a few things. Such factors include the time of year and the current forage conditions. In a drought situation, feed costs can total 70% of the total yearly expenses.

You may think it is not easy to reduce feed costs without sacrificing overall production. There are some who have no problem with that, but they are more “low-cost producers“. In order to be sustainable, the profitable producer knows that productivity is vital to any successful operation.

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Actually create a spectacular hay bale in 4 easy steps

Actually create a spectacular hay bale in 4 easy stepsLooking out onto a field of perfectly rolled hay bales is a beautiful sight to see. It is even more impactful if you are the one that baled them. You can feel yourself filled with pride in a job well done.

When it comes to making the perfect hay bale, there are many steps to take care of. Things like being at the proper moisture content, the maturity of the forages, and the settings on the machines you will be using all play a part in how your hay bales will turn out.

But how can you get all the factors to mesh together to produce your desired result? Well, today, I will go over the four main steps you can use to make the perfect hay bale.

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Getting control of pinkeye is now easier than you think

Getting control of pinkeye is now easier than you thinkWith summer arriving, treating pinkeye is an issue many cattle producers will face. As things get drier, it means more dust which means an increase in eye irritants.

However, there are things that you can do when this bacteria makes its appearance on your ranch. Treating the pinkeye infection early in your cattle is crucial. The longer you take to treat it, the higher the possibility that it will permanently damage your cattle. Visible damage to your cattle’s eye will mean severe discounts come sale time.

Since treating as early as possible is the key, the earliest treatment possible is prevention. Prevention is the better option of the two options because pinkeye is very contagious. Once it shows up in your herd, it would take little for it to spread to the rest of your cattle.

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How to make that hay bale stay fresher longer

How to make that hay bale stay fresher longerHay is a very common sight in every cattle producer’s operation throughout the country. It is used during the winter to provide supplemental nutrition when forages are lacking. However, with the extremely dry conditions we have been having lately, getting hay bales is becoming harder and harder. With this difficulty, producers are looking for ways to make their current supplies last longer.

Making the perfect hay bale will only do you much good if you store them properly. Keeping it properly will maintain its high quality later in the year. How you hold your hay bale can make or break what you will be able to get out of it come wintertime.

Properly storing your hay bales is easier than it may seem. It really boils down to storing them in a way that will keep them dry and out of the elements as best as possible. Here are five rules you can follow to ensure you store them the best you can.

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5 revealing reasons why you should be using protein tubs

5 revealing reasons why you should be using protein tubsProtein tubs have been gaining popularity here lately with producers of all sizes. People who use them like the convenience of having a supplement designed to be self-fed in the pasture. They can deliver supplemented nutrients that do not require extra labor.

In an ideal world, cattle would get all their nutrition from the forages and/or the concentrated feeds they are given. But unfortunately, as you are aware, we do not live in an ideal world. The quality of the forages can vary significantly from year to year. Another factor is that each animal will have different nutritional needs throughout the year.

With the difference between nutritional needs and forage quality, there is a need to fill in the gaps.” As you have guessed, this is where protein tubs come in.

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3 astonishing tips to have the best summer mineral

3 astonishing tips to have the best summer mineralWhen it comes to mineral supplements, people tend to focus only on either spring or fall. During these times of the year, cattle go through their highest demands. But even though that is the case, you should still pay attention to your cows’ mineral needs during the rest of the year.

With summer being the breeding season for most people, making sure that your cattle meet their mineral requirements is also essential here. Studies have shown that cattle that are deficient in minerals are less likely to breed back on time or at all. So don’t it vital that their needs are met?

Summer is what you may call a “transitioning” period. Grasses during this time are starting to mature and move into their seeding stage. As they grow, their nutritional value also decreases. As I mentioned, since it is also the breeding season, your cow’s dietary needs are increasing during this time.

So how can you make the most impact with your mineral supplementation? Here are three tips that you can follow:

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Simplistic ways to improve your pasture you need to know

Simplistic ways to improve your pasture you need to knowMaintaining your pasture during the summer can take much work. It can go from adequate moisture to extremely dry in no time. Managers must be on their game to keep their pasture from suffering too much.

Though I don’t know how it is where you are here in West Texas, it can be a challenging job keeping pastures productive during this time. It seems most years that mother nature does not want to cooperate with you and hold back needed moisture.

While you can not control the weather, there are steps that you can take to give your forages a chance. Things like rotational grazing and the correct stocking rate can go a long way. Here are some things to consider when you are facing another dry summer.

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Get your pasture summer ready in 4 surprisingly easy steps

Get your pasture summer ready in 4 surprisingly easy stepsHaving a good summer pasture management plan in place can save you many headaches later on. It will allow you to put out any potential fires, not literally, before they can occur.

As the days begin getting longer, now is the time to get that plan figured out and put into place. Because of the different variations that can occur, you do not want to wait till the last minute on this one,

During this time, your pastures will be the base for all of your cattle’s nutritional needs. While it may be able to meet all of its demands now, that may not be the case in a couple of months. As anyone that has been involved in ranching will tell you, the weather can change you on a dime. What was once lush and green can turn brown and nonperforming in a matter of a couple of weeks.

But with some foresight, you can be ahead of the curve when it comes to anything the weather throws at you. I have compiled four steps that you can take to plan out your summer pasture management needs.

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5 informative steps to selecting the right protein tub

5 informative steps to selecting the right protein tubA protein tub is an excellent way to provide extra nutrition when needed. One benefit is that once you place it in the pasture, you don’t need to check it daily. The protein tub is helpful for those that may have a job back in town.

A benefit for both the full-time and “part-time” rancher is that a protein tub can improve the overall grazing in a pasture. You can move them into more underutilized areas to encourage cattle to move to those areas.

With making any type of investment, it is prudent that you do your homework before you make any decision. So before you run off to the local feed store, I have five things you can look at before you buy your first protein tub.

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Introducing 4 Common Summer Cattle Diseases to Look Out For

Introducing 4 Common Summer Cattle Diseases to Look Out ForIt is never good whenever your cattle are suffering from diseases. It can rob you of performance while at the same time increasing your expenses.

Many health problems that occur can be handled if they are detected early. If caught in time, they can be prevented or even minimized losses. You can then take steps to keep it from spreading or coming back. One main thing to remember is always to consult your veterinarian if you believe a health problem has occurred.

Though sickness can occur any time of the year, here are 4 of them that tend to happen during summer. I’ve included some signs to look for as well as steps you can take to minimize its effects.

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