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Simple way to choosing the right fence type

Simple way to choosing the right fence typeThere is one constant in the livestock industry, if you have animals then you will have to build a fence. Fencing is a barrier to keeping your animals where you want them and keeping predators out.

It has been said that good fences make good neighbors and that is certainly true. As a responsible animal caretaker, it is your responsibility to keep them out of your neighbor’s place as well as get out on the road and cause an accident.

When it comes to fencing there are many options that you can go with and that can be confusing to someone who doesn’t have much experience with it. Now, which is the best to go with? Well, that is up to the individual but here are some things for you to consider the next time you are shopping for a new fence.

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How to be better at dealing with pinkeye in cattle

How to be better at dealing with pinkeye in cattlePinkeye is a very common as well as a highly contagious disease in cattle. Once it shows up if you do not take proper steps immediately it can quickly affect all of your cattle.

It is possible that it can hit year-round but for the most part, it is a pretty seasonal affliction. This disease usually increases in spring, peaks during summer, and then will decrease during the fall. This is because, like most bacteria, it prefers warmer weather to cold.

It can be very labor-intensive to treat and as I mentioned a couple of lines ago it can spread quickly if not taken care of in time. No matter the severity it is best that you quarantine all of the cattle that have it so you can prevent it from getting to the others.

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How useful are sulfur blocks for cattle really?

How useful are sulfur blocks for cattle really?Sulfur salt blocks have generated a love/hate relationship among many cattlemen. Some love them and swear by them, then others feel they are a waste of money. It can be a bit of a headache to truly understand either side.

The ones that love them say that it helps with external parasite control. While putting sulfur powder has been shown to help in that area there is no, as far as I’m aware, evidence that the block does that.

As with everything there are pros and cons to using them. While there is some benefit to feeding sulfur one must also be careful. You need to weigh the options yourself and decide if it could be something that will work for you.

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4 simple ways to get fertilizer costs under control

4 simple ways to get fertilizer costs under controlFertilizer costs have increased a lot over the last few decades, even more over the last couple of years. An example of this is that nitrogen fertilizer has doubled in just the last 2 years. With the way things are going it is not looking it will change for the better any time soon.

The most expensive input in warm-season forage production is commercial fertilizer. Since this is a costly resource, we need to make use of it efficiently. This will ensure that the return on the investment can be optimized for the most profits.

I will tell you that when it comes to being efficient that does not mean being the “cheapest”. Going with the lowest cost in the long run can actually end up costing the most. Here are 4 ways that you can look to optimize what fertilizer that you put out while reducing forage production costs.

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Should we now be more concerned about Bovine Leukemia Virus?

Should we now be more concerned about Bovine Leukemia Virus?Bovine Leukemia Virus is a hidden but damaging infection. In fact, this thing could be in your herd right now and you would likely not even know it is there. It already has a major impact on the cattle industry at large.

This virus has already caused significant losses in the cattle industry, though currently more in the dairy industry than in the beef one. Your more direct cost will be due to loss of production, veterinary costs, as well as replacement costs from the death of affected animals. Some of your indirect costs will be from loss of revenue due to the restrictions placed on your operation. A large Northeast slaughter plant that processes 350,000 cattle each year will condemn about 2,000 carcasses due to this disease.

The ability to get rid of this disease once it appears in your place will be different from herd to the herd. The major determining factor will be the producer’s ability to prevent it from horizontally transmitting. Having a good herd health plan in place will go a long way in preventing this from being catastrophic.

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5 simple ways to get feed costs under control

5 simple ways to get feed costs under controlFeed costs remain the single largest expense for any cattle producer. Depending on different factors this expense can easily be half of the total annual expenses for a rancher.

Now that amount can vary depending on the time of year and depending on the forage conditions. In a drought situation, feed costs can total 70% of the total yearly costs of raising cattle. It may seem difficult to reduce feed costs without sacrificing production.

There are some that would have no problem with that but the profitable producer knows that productivity is the key to a successful operation. But all is not lost, there are 5 steps that you can reduce feed costs without sacrificing productivity.

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4 simple strategies to make your cattle mineral more effective

4 simple strategies to make your cattle mineral more effectiveMineral supplementation is an essential component for any successful cattle operation. They are the building blocks for things like growth, reproduction, and basic maintenance. It is important that your cattle get all of the minerals that their body needs.

The problem with this is that your forages will not provide all of the nutrients that they will need by themselves. No matter where you are located there will always be something that is lacking. This is where providing a year-round mineral supplement is mandatory.

However, deciding what type of mineral you need to provide can be a bit confusing if you do not know what to look for at the feed store. There are many different choices you can go with. There are some that may work but some are just a rip-off. It is essential for a producer to know what to look for before they make any purchases. Here are some things to consider when making that decision:

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How to make the best cattle feed supplement plan possible

How to make the best cattle feed supplement plan possibleProviding a feed supplement to cattle that are grazing in certain areas is pretty common and for good reason. Cattle are often not able to get enough from just rangelands to meet their nutritional requirements. Producers have many choices when it comes to feeding supplements. But it is best to be careful when deciding what supplements to use.

Feed costs are the largest on-farm expense that producers have during the year. According to Oklahoma State, nearly 40% of total operating costs are associated with nutrition. If you are experiencing any type of drought conditions then this expense can be even higher. However, this does not mean that we should try to cut out every expenditure that we can.

The problem with only looking at reducing costs is that it will affect your overall performance. What you want to do is look at them more like investments and try to get the most return possible. It is more important to be efficient than just to be the cheapest. Here are some ways that you can go about getting the most “bang for your buck” when it comes to using the feed.

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Surprisingly effective and simple ways to control flies on cattle

Surprisingly effective and simple ways to control flies on cattleTrying to control flies that are on your cattle can be a very frustrating endeavor, to say the least. It can often feel like an uphill climb with no rest in sight. No matter what you seem to do they just keep coming back year after year.

As we move into the warmer time of the year these pests will be coming out in full force. They will be coming out of their dormant stage to feast on your cattle. This will negatively affect your herd’s production. But what is a rancher to do?!

Though you will never fully get rid of them there are ways to get them under control. In order to be the most effective, it will require a multi-prong approach. It will require all of them because just using one will not get the results that you are looking for.

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How to actually manage your bulls with 5 simple tips

How to actually manage your bulls with 5 simple tipsBreeding season is a very important time on the ranch. We begin with the hope of making a new calf crop to keep the ranch going. In order to have a good calf crop, you will need to make sure that all, or at least 90%, of your cows, will be bred.

While many focus on getting their cows ready for this time of year it is also a good idea to get the bulls that you have ready too. After all, 50% of the genetics that each of your potential calves will have comes from just one animal, the bull.

With the important role, they will play you may be wondering just how you can go about making sure that he will be ready to service the cows. Well here are 5 tips that you can follow to do just that.

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