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How to better manage early weaned calves

How to better manage early weaned calvesHaving calves weaned early is often something that occurs during periods of low forage quality. Early weaning typically happens during extremely dry periods, such as what typically happens in many Western states. But what exactly does it mean to wean early?

Early weaning is usually defined as weaning calves before they are 150 days of age. In some more extreme cases, they can be weaned even earlier, at 45 days. Weaning that early rarely happens, so more commonly, early-weaned calves are over 80 days old.

As I mentioned earlier, early weaning can benefit producers facing a drought. It can also be helpful when cows are in a confinement system. Also, as a body condition management tool for old and young cows.

It is a valuable tool because once you take the calf off of the cow, her nutritional demands go down. Once she no longer has the demands of lactation, a producer can maintain her on poor-quality forages with little to no supplement needed. Continue reading

How to use cattle gut health to improve performance

How to use cattle gut health to improve performanceGut health is one of the often underutilized components of a successful operation. Sure, people have a basic understanding of it when it comes to nutrients and their absorption, but that is usually as far as it goes. Producers often need to fully understand what it entails or even what factors can influence it.

When it comes to influencing gut health, there are three main factors. Besides infection, management and environmental factors can control it. Environmental factors can be things like stress from weaning or extreme weather. Management factors will be things like the type of feed that the producer provides to their cattle. Environmental and management factors can cause the infection factor to occur.

Once thought of as just part of the digestive system, research has begun to show the importance of the gut, or the gastrointestinal tract, for the overall well-being of the cow. The gastrointestinal tract is one of a ruminant’s most metabolically active tissues. According to a study in Animals, it accounts for approximately 20% of oxygen consumption and 30% of metabolic processes and protein synthesis. With all the functions the gut does, keeping it in top shape is essential.

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3 ways to get results with breeding season nutrition

3 ways to get results with breeding season nutritionBreeding season puts a lot of demands on cows. During this time, she is expected to provide adequate nutrition for her calf while her body recovers from giving birth. Then she is expected to return to estrus just before she is bred again. All of this is expected to occur within 90 days after calving to maintain a yearly calving interval.

A yearly calving interval is the type of cycle that is expected for a cow to be considered profitable. If the cow does not provide a calf every year or 2, then the cow is not getting a return on what the producer is spending on her. With the ever-increasing input costs producers have seen over the last year, not getting a return on investment is not an option.

The key to getting your cows bred again is adequate nutrition. There are some considerations to consider to meet the cow’s nutritional demands. It would be best if you were looking at the quality and quantity of forage consumed, the cow’s nutrient requirements, and understanding what feed options are available to you.

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The simple way of keeping trichomoniasis out of your herd

The simple way of keeping trichomoniasis out of your herdTrich, or the more scientific name Trichomoniasis, is a severe economic problem for cattle producers. Some of the problems it can cause are a reduced calf crop and lower weaning weights. It can cause this because it makes your breeding cows infertile and possibly causes a more extended breeding season.

But not to worry, all is not lost. Trichomoniasis may seem like a devastating disease, but you can do things to prevent it from showing up. You can take steps to prevent Trich from even showing up in the first place. To that end, here are a few things you should consider:

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3 ways how to get the most return from weaning

3 ways how to get the most return from weaningWeaning time is once again upon us. It is a magical time when everything runs smoothly. Also, absolutely nothing wrong ever….. sorry, I couldn’t bring myself to finish that sentence. The problem with that last line is that anyone in the cattle business will tell you it’s the opposite. It can be a very stressful time for both the cattle and the rancher.

Stress in cattle can be displayed by increased vocalization and reduced feed intake. The most well-known are calves just pacing up and down the fence line. The issue with stress is that it can lower the immune system’s ability to fight off diseases. It may not seem like much, but it can reduce daily gains, increase health problems, and even cause death.

No matter what type of weaning strategy you use, there are ways to maintain your calves’ performance. Maintaining performance can also reduce the chance of illness. Preparing calves in advance of taking them away from their mommas has benefits that are well worth the effort. Here are three steps that you can use to help your calf crop wean successfully.

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Better ways to deal with drought and high prices

Better ways to deal with drought and high pricesThe threat of drought in any year is a real problem for most of the country. Many of us have seen severely less than average rainfall, which has strained our businesses. The most frustrating thing about it is that drought is one of the few things we, humans, have no control over.

And if things could not have seemed worse, we also see higher than average prices for the inputs we need, such as fuel, fertilizer, and grain. A combination of drought and high feed prices will result in higher cow/calf costs across the country. What makes this a real problem is that agriculture is one of the few industries with a very thin profit margin.

With these current problems, many producers are asking themselves how they will be to make. They are wondering if they will even be in operation next year. Though you can’t always control what is happening, there are ways that you can make it more tolerable for you. Here are four things that you can do to help you make it through this:

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How to use dewormers that will control internal parasites

How to use dewormers that will control internal parasitesInternal parasites are a problem that every beef producer must face. It is a constant annoyance that can rob a beef operation of its productivity. They impair production by increasing things like energy costs of maintenance, diet digestibility, and immune activity.

They actually have a more significant impact on the profitability of beef cattle than most even realize. Research has shown that weaning weights can be increased by over 30 pounds and pregnancy rates by over 10% with proper deworming. With statistics like this, it would make sense to keep them under check.

Controlling them requires correct planning as well as proper timing. In order to get the most efficiency, you need to use the right dewormer at the right time of the year. Here are some things to look at when planning for your deworming program.

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This is how to better provide the correct amount of water

This is how to better provide the correct amount of waterWater is an essential part of life. A certain amount is certainly needed for growth, fetal development, lactation, and overall production. But unfortunately, despite its importance, it is something that can be overlooked very easily by producers.

If you were to ask any producer about which nutrients they are concerned with, they would tell you protein, energy, and minerals. Now while these are important, there is another that is just as important: water. Ensuring that cattle have adequate clean water is necessary for them to function.

However, providing your herd with the right amount they need requires more than just putting some troughs out. It will take planning on your part and some basic understanding of cattle’s needs and habits. Getting it right will ensure you get the maximum output from this most necessary resource.

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What you need to know about summer pneumonia

What you need to know about summer pneumoniaSummer pneumonia, sometimes referred to as pasture pneumonia, is a disease that is usually observed in calves on pasture late in summer. It can affect calves that have yet to be weaned from just one-month-old to even five months of age. The issue with this disease is that not much is known about it, and it can pop up from nowhere.
Why do your seemingly healthy-looking calves suddenly come down with pneumonia? Why this happens is a question that has plagued many producers over the years. Respiratory diseases in pre-weaned calves are always producers’ concerns, with unpredictable outbreaks.
The frustrating thing is that your calves may not even be considered “high risk” for pneumonia. They are still with their mother and are not having to deal with any stressors, such as changes in environment or diet. Understanding the why and how of this disease is crucial for any cow/calf producer.

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How to improve production by avoiding 3 common weaning mistakes

How to improve production by avoiding 3 common weaning mistakesIt is weaning time again out on the range. Weaning is the time of year when you, as a rancher, see the fruits of your labor. Labors, such as with your breeding programs. But that does beg the question about success.

What does success or failure mean when it comes to weaning? That is a tricky question to answer because different people have different answers to this. It is up to the individual and their production goals to determine what is a successful weaning.

There may be different ideas on how to wean your calves, but the goal is still the same. You want to wean every calf you have with the minimum loss to your crop. It would be best to get your calves started off on the right foot to accomplish this.

Starting your calves off right is one of the most important things that you can do. Doing so will ensure that calf’s lifelong production success. The first 30-45 days after weaning are the most stressful in that calf’s life. In order to make it as smooth as possible with their transition, you will need to avoid three common problems.

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